La Escuela Normal Urbana de Balancán da la bienvenida a
“Felipe cuenta cuentos” excelente narrador de cuentos, el cual pertenece a la Asociación
Internacional de Narradores Orales de Santa Catalina Coyoacán.
Este evento está organizado por la maestra Elvia Vergara Álvarez en
coordinación con la dirección de la escuela normal de Balancán y la sociedad de
alumnos de esta institución, las actividades inician hoy lunes 26 de noviembre
y concluyen el miércoles 28 de noviembre; en estos días se llevaran a cabo
conferencias y talleres para la
comunidad normalista, sin duda que estas
actividades servirán para la adquisición
de nuevas estrategias y habilidades para los alumnos.
cuando empieza el proceso de admision?
ResponderEliminarUrban Normal School Balancán, is a school of trainers docetes, where its purpose is to train teachers competetentes.
ResponderEliminarIf we realize everything you learned in Normal, is reflected at the time of face practices, and normalistas not go with the fear of what awaits him when faced with a group of children.
This page see it as a good tool for future teachers to express all that well and parse what parese wrong, when they are ready.
It clearly reflects the work of a normal school to society as being normal school is to be successful person in different fields.
Hello, for my school Normal Institution me parese good for those who want to be a teacher, this is my pride that comes from my vocation to pronuciar "The Normal"
ResponderEliminarevents are good for what they are: cultural tributes, in which creativity has normalistas, also tend gurrra band as good but ta good, I'm sorry for not belonging to it.
I feel that I am forming as a teacher in a good institution.
Hello normal school, a proud to be Judaismâ and bear in mind the satisfaction that I have to mention in my high school normal. giving rise to the creativity and the strategies to solve problems and perform an excellent paper before the society, at the same time, give mention of the various workshops as it is the band of war that with every test they performed trying to be better and bring in high the parecencia of our homeland and defend it with honor.
ResponderEliminargood afternoon I think an excellent proposal atentamente : BIELY CLARITZA AREVALO CHABLE
ResponderEliminarMe seems a excellent page because keeps us abreast of information needed
ResponderEliminarhello this blog is very good because it informs us about the events of
ResponderEliminarschool good night
ResponderEliminarin this video so touching to me we can reflect on the important value we can have if we want to, not take away a child ilucion either holy, by the Magi or sim'lemente as seen here for their game fotboll.
ResponderEliminarthis video makes us think about the importance and having ilucion children for what they really like. speaks of the value we have or we have to break that ilucion not have them either holy, by the Magi or just for those who are passionate as football as we see right here.
ResponderEliminarThis video refers to you have to enjoy Christmas with the family live, to believe the lords of the store if there is navida not to be sad and always enjoy a good coke. good afternoon greetings teacher. hopefully this good this and did not know well how this sling. and goodbye
ResponderEliminarhello good afternoon teacher and peers. This trade gives us a message in which we have the habit of brushing our teeth for good oral hygiene, and for our children to do the same and have the same habit
ResponderEliminarhello good afternoon teacher and peers. This trade gives us a message in which we have the habit of brushing our teeth for good oral hygiene, and for our children to do the same and have the same habit
ResponderEliminarHi buddies, the video is an old elderly gentleman where this remembering the past, where a lady saves him in the war and she falls in love, are separated for a long time and decided to return to get it, thinking that would find as young but on reaching home call wing realizes that it's been many years and is no longer as before and repents to go.
ResponderEliminarHi buddies, the video is a young man who promotes the brand refresh "pepsi" the young going down the street walking when suddenly begins to rise winged a bus in the city of london, suddenly hits the bus and all the people that this cainando down the street and then records it just does the same.
this video on my consideration and my judgment is for people to take this product apart, they show a part of the technology in this case has a magician called Dynamo who support this video with his magic tricks.
ResponderEliminargood to me this video tells me and gives me to understand that ..... I need to learn and master the English speak. lol hope and this good (kisses pear)
ResponderEliminarThis small commercial tells us a little bit of the good blessings of Christmas and be always in good company with our loved ones like that to be with coca cola.
ResponderEliminarThis commercial speaks of family togetherness, I like it because it shows a beautiful message, family union in December, which is one of the best months of the year.
ResponderEliminarI liked the Coke commercial that always makes beautiful commercial.
Susana Guadalupe Hernández Damas
3 Semestre Gruopo B
ResponderEliminarThis commercial speaks of family togetherness, I like it because it shows a beautiful message, family union in December, which is one of the best months of the year.
Grupo: B Grado: 3° PRIMARIA.
Cuando son las convocatorias para el 2020
ResponderEliminarMe gustaría saber cuando son las convocatorias para nuevo ingreso
ResponderEliminarCuando son las convocatorias para nuevo ingreso